Your employer's Unum Sick Pay Insurance policy provides support if you experience an illness or injury which impacts your ability to work.
This page gives you a brief overview of our claims process, including what we need to consider a claim and the available vocational rehabilitation support and return to work programmes.
If you are absent from work due to illness or injury, our team can work with you and your employer to support you back to work. Speak to your employer if you’d like our support.
Your employer will notify us that you are unable to work. You don’t need to contact us until your employer has done this.
The evidence we’ll need to assess and process the claim.
Once we make a claims decision, we'll tell your employer. If you have any questions about the Sick Pay Insurance cover, the amount of benefit payable or a decision we make, please contact your employer.
If you’re not completely happy with our service or a claims decision, please speak to your employer.
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